Mid-Eastern Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel

Registration is now closed. Please contact jlewis@mecc.edu to inquire about late registrations.
Tentative Agenda
To register for the conference, please complete and submit the online registration form by clicking the registration link above. A copy of the registration form you submit will be sent to the email address you provide. Paper registration forms are no longer available.
In order to qualify for the conference registration rates in effect for members, your program or individual membership in MEAEOPP must be current (for the 10/1/24 to 9/30/25 membership year) or your membership dues must be received by the MEAEOPP Membership Chair, Robyn Murphy, before or at the time of your conference registration payment. If you have any questions about your program or individual membership status with MEAEOPP, please contact Robyn directly.
Two registration options are available: a full conference registration or a one-day conference registration.
Full Conference Registration
The full conference registration rate includes the opening reception on Sunday, lunch on Monday, dinner on Tuesday, breakfast on Wednesday, entry to all conference events, and a conference bag and supplies.
Please note that your hotel room is NOT included in the conference registration rate. You must make your own reservation. Please refer to the Hotel Information tab for more information.
Early Bird MEMBER Rate = $600 (if registered on or before November 1, 2024)
Regular MEMBER Rate = $700 (if registered on or before January 31, 2025)
Late/On-Site MEMBER Rate = $800
NON-MEMBER Regular Rate = $800 (if registered on or before January 31, 2025)
NON-MEMBER Late/On-Site Rate = $900
One-Day Conference Registration
The one-day conference registration includes any included meals on the day of registration (reception on Sunday, lunch on Monday, dinner on Tuesday, or breakfast on Wednesday) and a conference bag and supplies.
Please note that your hotel room is NOT included with your conference registration. You must make your own reservation by the hotel’s deadline. Please refer to the Hotel Information tab for more information.
MEMBER One Day Rate for Sunday, February 16, 2025 = $250
NON-MEMBER One Day Rate for Sunday, February 16, 2025 = $350
MEMBER One Day Rate for Monday, February 17, 2025 = $250
NON-MEMBER One Day Rate for Monday, February 17, 2025 = $350
MEMBER One Day Rate for Tuesday, February 18, 2025 = $250
NON-MEMBER One Day Rate for Tuesday, February 18, 2025 = $350
MEMBER One Day Rate for Wednesday, February 19, 2025 = $250
NON-MEMBER One Day Rate for Wednesday, February 19, 2025 = $350
Questions about conference rates? Please contact email meaeoppregion@gmail.com.
On the registration form, please indicate if you want to pay by check or by credit card. All registrants will receive an invoice from PayPal at the email address submitted on their registration form.
If paying with a card: The PayPal invoice will include a link to process a card payment.
If paying with a purchase order: The invoice you receive can be printed or electronically forwarded to your procurement department.
If paying with a check: Please follow the instructions on your invoice to remit payment.
If you need multiple registrants consolidated onto a single invoice: Please send a request to MEAEOPP treasurer Adam Moore at jam5bt@uvawise.edu.
Please note that conference registrations cannot be canceled once they have been received and full payment will be due. Conference registration payments, once received, are non-refundable for any reason. Substitutions, however, may be made up to February 7, 2025, if notification is provided in writing to meaeoppregion@gmail.com.
Payment will be required after registration even if the registrant does not attend the conference.
QUESTIONS? Please contact meaeoppregion@gmail.com.