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MEAEOPP members are invited to join and participate in a variety of committees, depending on their personal interests. Most committees require little outside work, and some are only active during a particular time of the year, such as the conference planning committee.

For more information or to join a committee, please contact the committee chairs listed below. Committee chairs are strongly encouraged to ensure broad participation by all states/districts and program types.

  • Conference Planning: Involved in planning and implementing an exciting, enriching annual conference at varying locations throughout the region – Nick Bedway and Danny Giles (Co-Chairs)

  • Development: Assists in securing additional revenue for the association through merchandise sales, soliciting personal and corporate donations, and other creative means – Chair and committee members are needed! Contact Chelsea Toms (Chair) if interested.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Provides professional development related to the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion, in addition to providing guidance to association officers on related matters to ensure equitable and just organizational practices – Jessica Lewis (Contact)

  • Financial Affairs: Prepares an annual budget for the association, monitors income and expenditures on an ongoing basis, and updates fiscal policies and practices to ensure financial sustainability and vitality – Contact Maria Whited (Chair) if interested.

  • Government Relations: Updates the regional TRIO community on government issues, assists COE and state/district associations in advocacy efforts such as the annual Policy Seminar, and offers professional development on advocating for TRIO and the students served – Jennifer Fox Wood (Chair)

  • Membership: Promotes memberships in all categories, certifies memberships, and determines eligible voters for the annual election of officers – Robyn Murphy (Chair)

  • Nominations and Election: Solicits annual nominations for the offices of President-Elect and Secretary or Treasurer (depending on the year), verifies the eligibility of nominees for office, conducts a candidates’ forum, offers an election by secret ballot, and installs new officers at the close of the annual conference – Brandon Honaker (Chair)

  • Scholarships: Establish processes and policies for the annual student scholarship competition, evaluate and select scholarship recipients, and communicate the outcome of the competition to the membership and nominees – Loriann Irving (Chair)

  • Strategic Planning: Develops, approves, and monitors the implementation and revision of the strategic plan – John Kula (Contact)

  • Student Engagement/Alumni: Plan, promote, and implement student and alumni engagement initiatives – Eron McMillen (Chair)


According to MEAEOPP’s constitution, other committees – standing or special – can be appointed as needed by the Executive Board or the President.

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